We hope you have enjoyed all of the projects.
I don't know about you, but I'm not a fan of the store bought Christmas Cracker / Bon Bon.
I don't like the tissue paper hats, the jokes are not funny and the toys are rubbish.
So, the 12th Day project is to make your own Christmas Crackers / Bon Bons.
Today we are going to be turning this:

Into this:

Materials used:
Brown paper
Toilet rolls
Cracker snaps (bought at Spotlight)
Jokes (Google can help you here)
Lindt Balls
Scraps of Christmas Paper / Ribbon / Fabric.
Christmas stamps
Step 1: put the snap into the toilet roll. I very lightly taped them into place so they can still be pulled & snap.
Step 2: fill the roll with whatever goodies you like. I typed up some jokes that I found on the internet and wrapped these around my favourite chocolate - Lindt balls - yummo....
Step 3: roll up in brown paper & tie the ends with twine. I then used my pinking shears and trimmed the edges.
Step 4: Decorate with paper / ribbons / stamps / whatever scraps to have
That's it - all done!!! (And not a tissue paper hat in sight to ruin your hair!)