Banners seem to be all the rage at the moment - they are everywhere - so I decided to do a Christmas banner for the 9th Day - the link being 9 letters in Christmas.
Each of the triangles is a page from the Making Memories calico album. These already came with eyelets in the top corners - perfect - no punching required!
At one of my last trips to Spotlight I spotted some coloured hessian which I though would go great in a few Christmas projects - so for this project I cut red and green triangles of hessian and sewed them onto each of the calico pages.

I did this for 9 flags.
I then cut thin strips of fabric and tied the flags together

I cut the C H R I S T M A S letters 3 inches tall using my Slice. (Now don't fall over in shock that I actually used the Slice - I have had it for years & reckon I have used it maybe 6 times in total - how embarrassing!)
I glued the letters onto the flags and decorated the letters with a bit of bling.

and then that's it - ready to hang

If you are not into fabric and prefer paper - this project can easily be adapted to suit your preference.
I hope you have enjoyed the 9th Day project.
yay, i havent made a banner, can you believe it!!??? mine will be out of paper though.
Just love this Natalie - congrats on pulling out the Slice - makes you feel great when you use a tool you have had sitting around far too long.
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